Saturday, December 13, 2008

Egypt Trip... my final adventure!

On Saturday my roommate Laura and I woke up to the sound of our alarms at 4:45 AM and looked over at the empty bed of our third roommate who had already made her way to the states. We scuffled out of bed brushed out teeth and headed down the path to the bus stop to catch our ride to the Egyptian border. We were so exhausted! We drove several hours from Jerusalem to the border along the Dead Sea and failed in our many attempted to recapture some sleep. After going through the entertaining ordeal of crossing the Egyptian/Israeli border we stopped along the Red Sea to go swimming! It was so much fun! Then we hopped back in our Egyptian bus to drive through the Sinai where Laura and I read the Exodus story of Moses leading the people of Israel out of Egypt. I was amazing to read it and see where it took place! It never ceases to amaze me. When we arrived in Cairo it was dinner time. We were all so hungry and were excited to find out that dinner was on a boat on the Nile! Incredible! Then we went to the Pharaoh's Hotel to rest our heads... but sleep again did not last long. It was pyramid day! We got up and went to the red pyramid where we climbed in! We climbed up the side then down into the pyramid. In the middle there was very little oxygen and it smelled like death! It was a blast... lol... Then we explored some other pyramids and statues, then finally we ended the day with the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. It was pretty rad! I was bummed that it was so late when we got there because I was hoping to ride a horse in the desert and run... but hey, I got to climb inside a pyramid! It was awesome! Then on Monday we went to another tel, the Egypt museum and then drove around Memphis then hopped on the orient express sleeper train to Aswon. The Egypt museum had lots of cool archaeological finds and a room specifically filled with mummies of Pharaohs! It was awesome! On Tuesday in Aswon we took a boat ride on the Nile, rode Camels in the Sahara, and went to a village to play with children! It was a blast! The hotel that night was amazing!!! And the next morning was my birthday! I turned 21 in Egypt! It was so exciting! That was temple day! We drove up to Luxor and went to the Horus Temple, the temple on the lake, Karak Temple, and several others. on Thursday we went to more temples of Ramses and Hatshepsut. We also went to the valley of the kings where many famous pharaohs are buried. There we got to see King Tut in his tomb. Pretty cool! That night we went to the market which was fun too! Then on Friday night we stayed in the orient express again and ended back up in cairo. We drove out to the SInai again and hopped on some jeeps and drove through the desert, had lunch with a bedouin family and then hiked up a hill to see the temple to Hathor. It was a blast! We drove that night to the base of Mt. Sinai. We only slept for about 3 hrs and woke up at 2:30 AM to climb Mt. Sinai! I climbed a mountain! It was probably the hardest thing I had ever done but I am so proud of myself! The sunrise was incredible! The hike is rough and high but it was worth it! After climbing we went on our way back to school where I am now! And tomorrow night I am going back home to california! Ere go, this is my very last entry regarding trips. I might try to close it with another entry but for now, this is it. Blessings and smiles on you and I hope to see you all soon! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are back in California now, but it is a pitty you didn't spend more time in south sinai.
I know a lovely place called Ghannah Lodge and they offer a lot of desert trips in different ways
Maybe in the future you can visit them