Thursday, October 02, 2008

Culture change: its a shocking experience

A professor of mine back at Vanguard talked about the process of culture shock. When you first arrive in a country up until about the 3rd or 4th week you are there, everything is new and exciting. Things you get to see and try seem like an adventure and it is very much honeymoon-esque. But just after that period of time is over you definitely feel a little homesick and the reality of your decision truly sets in. This is culture shock. The shock that nothing around you is quite familiar. There are not so many conveniences because you have not been brought up in this society. That is soooo true. After having been here in one city for a month and only having the option to get out of this one place when I am going to study is silightly frustrating. It is hard not to be able to just hop in the car and go somewhere or have the familiar stores that you can go to to get the everyday things you are used to. Such a bummer. But, I will tell you one thing is for sure: I will never take another Rite-Aid for granted. :)

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