Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Galilee Day Bet

Sunday was another amazing day of travel and sights! We started the day by going to Tel Dan where we saw some amazing things! It is such a beautiful place! There is a river than runs though it and everything around it is green. It was a refreshing change from the dryness of southern Israel. While there we stopped at Jeraboam’s palace and temple. It was interesting to see how big the alter was there and to discuss what exactly was the sin that Jeraboam has that is repeatedly mentioned in the Bible. We also discussed the tribe of Dan and how they decided to settle this particular area because they did not enter into their true inheritance near the coast. Dan was not a bad place to settle though. They had more than enough water, more than enough land and good soil for agriculture. It was definitely a beautiful location. It reminded me a lot of the Stanislaus River back home. On our way out we stopped by the gate and talked about the different purposes of the gates. It amazes me how much activity went on at the gates. There really was so much that happened there. At this gate in particular there was a distinct alter type thing with decorative planters in which wooden poles holding a canopy would be placed. This is where the judgments of the city would happen. The king would hold hearings here and judge the people that came in to be judged.
After Dan we went to Caesarea Philipi which absolutely blew my mind. I was so impressed by it and thinking back on the conversation Jesus had with his disciples in Matthew was amazing. We looked up at where all these temples stood to all these Gods, the same ones Jesus looked at when he asked, “Who do you say I am”. I feel like God brings me to that every now and again. Something good in my life will happen and I will praise myself for the good job I have done an will often forget to praise the only one worthy of praise, God. He is so incredibly worthy and I shortchange Him every time, but he is gracious. Praise Him for that! It was nice also to be able to wander off while I was there and sit on the river and sing a song for Him, a song declaring who he is. He is God. Amen! Being there probably had the most impact on me.
After Caesarea we went over to Nimrod. The name cracks me up. But anyway, Nimrod was an old Crusader castle/fortress. It was really impressive! I had a blast exploring it and going through the secret passage ways and climbing to the tallest towers. That was so much fun!
Finally, we ended our day at the top of an extinct volcano in the Golan Heights. We could see into Syria and I was absolutely blown away by that! It was so cool! Also, we were able to climb through the trenches and bunkers of the hill from the 1967 war. It was amazing to go underground into the bunker and see where the soldiers slept and ate. There were even some plates left there. It was fun!

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