Monday, November 17, 2008

Jordan Day Dalet

The last day of our field study I woke up sick as a dog. Third world country disease if you know what I mean. I mustered up enough energy through medicine to go to our first stop at Karak. Karak castly from the Crusader period was built right on top of the ancient site of Kir. Kir was directly across the Dead Sea from Masada. It was a very strategic in location because it was high up and had several hidden routes in order to surprise an enemy. Karak castle is where the movie Kingdom of Heaven was filmed. There were some interesting stories that came with the castle. One includes the soldiers not having enough rations so they gave their wives over to the Muslims because they knew they would have mercy on the women. After Karak we went over to another lookout to see the Arnon Canyon. The Arnon was also very impressive, I just wish I was not so sick at the time so I might enjoy it more. After the lookout we traveled to Dibon on the Medeba Plateau. There, there were connections to the Dead Sea. Dibon is mentioned in several boundry lists when discussing the area in the Bible. The Mesha Stella was also found there. After Dibon we drove to the modern city of Madaba where we went to see the Medeba Map. The Medeba Map is quite impressive. It was made more than a thousand years ago and was comprehensive of the entire Southern Levant until people started picking at it and broke apart the mosaic. Now it only shows parts of Israel. Our last stop of our last field study of the semester was spent at Mt. Nebo where Moses died after looking into the Promised Land. Coming to the top of the mountain and looking out over the Rift Valley, Dead Sea, Jericho (right across the valley), the Mount of Olives, the hills leading to the Sea of Galilee, and Samaria. What a way to end the semester! We then read the story in the Bible and shared with each other our journeys this semester. The desert if u will. And now, at the end of the semester we are to enter into our Promised Land. I know I have changed tremendously. When we shared with each other and lookout out upon the same view that Moses had behold so many years ago I couldn’t help but cry. God had brought me so far. He brought me to the realization of my true call. He brought me to understanding more about myself. He made me fall in love with His word all over again. He has taught me that worrying truly does not get you anywhere. He taught me to rely on Him and has brought me to realize that I really have nothing outside of Him. He is everything. Everything I need and more. He is a God of impossible situations. He is a God of His promises. He is a God of grace and greatness. He is a God of majesty. And He completely blows my mind!  This has definitely been one of the most difficult times of my life. I had to leave a huge passion at home. I left family and friends that I have not seen now for almost 8 months. I have without a doubt been in the wilderness. I have been through a spiritual journey that I never anticipated and it took me through some times of war, some times of peace, and has made me realize that joy can be found in both. God is a God of joy. He wants us to enjoy Him. That’s why we were created, so we could enjoy Him and all that He has given us here on earth. Although my stomach is still not feeling well even as I write this I look forward to waking up and hearing God’s delight in telling me “Bonjiourno Principessa!”

1 comment:

Kevin Michael Bazan said...

im sorry you are not feeling well. i am as i type giving you a kevin hug. i miss you terribly, lets get coffee... also will you bring me back a kaffiyeh? <3