Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cutting over to the Dome of the Rock

So... today Megan and I went over to the Dome of the ROck on the Temple Mount to walk around. It is absolutely unbelievable. There are about a million (gross exaggeration) soldiers around the area with very large guns. Only VERY intimidating. Megan and I enjoyed our time, nonetheless. We went up and touched the temple and quietly prayed over it, hoping that people would discover truth and that there would be peace. It is amazing to think that this patch of land is what more than 1/2 of the world's problems are coming from.

Megan and I were talking about a previous lecture we had with our professor and thought through the idea of what the Temple meant to the Jewish people during the time of David on through the time of Jesus. The Temple was where God chose to limit himself and confine himself in a building so that He could interact with the people He loved so much. How amazing is that!? The God who created the universe, the one who formed you and I in our mother's wombs, the same God who gave us breath and can take it out in the next second but chooses not to, the very God who showed Moses the burning bush - the fire that consumes but chooses not to, the God of Jacob, Abraham, and Isaac, the God of infinite miracles, the God that chose to come down to earth in flesh as Jesus Christ so that He may save the world from their sins. That is the God who chose to come and be limited to a building. It absolutely blows my mind!

You are probably wondering why I said I was "cutting" over to the Dome of the ROck.... well, sorry Mom, (and aren't you excited Christina!) I chopped my hair off last night! It was getting too hot here and I needed a change. I realized how much of my sense of beauty came from my hair and I needed to chop it off. And boy does it feel good!

God Bless!

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