Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dr. Gabi Barkay- the man who helped write history

I have to tell you all about my Archeology professor because he cracks me up. He is seriously brilliant. We have no textbook for our class because the man is a textbook. He knows everything... probably because he was there (his words, not mine). lol... Anyways, his wealth of knowledge is astounding and to top it all off he is so funny. After every point in his lecture he always says in his Hungarian-Jewish accent "Any questions, Any queries, any 'go to hell with your nonsense?" Its one of those things where you have to hear him say it because it is absolutely hilarious. Gabi has an amazing life story, as well. He was born in Hungary during WWII. He was on the train to Auschwitz with his family when a divine intervention occurred and the train was stopped. He never had to go. Then his family moved down to Italy where they were able to get on a ship and come to Israel. He has been here ever since. Because of his extensive traveling experience he can speak about five million different languages, well thats a gross exaggeration... but you get my point. He studied under a couple of the most famous Archaeologists of all time including Yadin, a renowned Biblical Archaeologist, and has met and dug with several other famous Archaeologists including Kathleen Kenyon and several others. Oh the stories this man tells about them. He is so blunt, its fantastic! :) I am so excited because in a few weeks I am going to be able to do a dig with him sifting through some remains of the Temple Mount. Ground that has not been touched for 2,000+ years! How insane is that!? I am so excited!

I will tell you all about it when it happens. :)



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