Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The ups and downs of cemeteries.....

Well, I have 2 updates today...

The other day Laura and I were walking through the Old City and went into a church museum... We met a historian there by the name of Maureen. She is the sweetest little old British lady. Well, anyhoo, we told her we go to JUC and she got really excited because behind our school is the protestant cemetery. Since she is a protestant historian, she asked us if we could get her in through the school to see the cemetery and we gladly obliged. So, Laura and I got our own little private tour of the cemetery and historical facts about people such as the Biship Gobat, who was the one to build JUC back when it was a protestant school for Arab children. It was really neat! Then we went to the back of the cemetery to see the grave of Sir Flinders Petrie who was an acclaimed archaeologist in both Egypt and Israel. He is the one that introduced dating by pottery. Flinders was kinda nuts. He used to hang out in his archaeological digs wearing nothing but a pink tutu. He figured no one would bother him if they all thought he was loco. And they were correct. He also had some issues with humility. Before he died, he declared that his brain be studied for he knew it was far superior than any brain had been before. So, his head was severed from his body and sent back to England and his body remained here in Jerusalem. While his head was being examined in a room with other heads, there was an explosion and all the heads went rolling and it was not until recently that they found it and are now doing experiments with it.

Part bet: so Laura and I were walking around the city today... well, just down into the valley and back up to school and came to the conclusion that Jerusalem is unlike any other city in the world. My reason: in every other city, what goes up must come down.... in Jerusalem what goes down must come up. In summation, my legs are getting a workout each time we climb these stupidly huge hills! I never realized the possibilities of the statement feel the burn until I got to Israel.

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